Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Year's In Pokhara

I'm here in Pokhara, Nepal, with the 3 people I met on the Everest trek - Martin (UK), Michaeles (Greece), and Mitya (Finland).

Martin wanted us to head over here because Kathmandu was getting a bit boring and he said they might be doing something here for New Year's. At first I thought this might not be true, but it turns out they are gearing up for a wild 5 day street festival that begins tonight.

Quote of the day: "Are your friends hippies or lunatics?"

I'm sure I'll have lots to report after or during this festival...right now we're going to rent kayaks and go out on the big lake they have here, and I'll probably rent a motorbike, then we'll dive headfirst into this big party...


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